The Definition of Evil

Doing harm to others and taking pleasure in it. We all hurt people inadvertently but instantly regret it. But when someone purposely seeks to cause pain in others and takes…

Meet Me in St. Louis

I watched Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) for the first time yesterday. (Oh, how I adore me some Judy Garland.) I've never seen the musical. I'm still trying to…

Snowballs This scene from The West Wing Season 4, Episode 15, "Inauguration: Over There," waswritten by the incomparable Mr. Aaron Sorkin. Notice the snowballs. When I was 21 years old, I…

Who’s Going to Save the Black Woman

Who’s going to save the black womanas sour droplets of water stream downfrom her forehead and eyesdampening her curvaceous bodymaking her toughened skinsmooth like a wet chamois?Now it is easier…

Package Deal

He broke up with his girlfriend knowing she was pregnant with their first child. He wanted to be in the child’s life but not the mother’s. He didn’t comprehend they…


By misfortune, she found the toilet seat still raised. Though discourteous and inconvenient, she kept her cool and went to make breakfast. Dishes from his midnight snack were on the…

Her Majesty

Bedtime was the best time of the day—not a common sentiment among eight-year-olds but not every eight-year-old had a big sister whose impromptu storytelling capabilities could captivate endlessly. The two…